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Poor Blind People



Do you know that India has misfortune of having the largest number of blind persons in the world?

Blindness is a disability, which one can overcome with proper training and guidance. Persons affected by blindness need opportunities for quality education, skills, training, rehabilitation, employment and a full social and family life.

Let us change what it means to be blind.

CFD has undertaken various projects, which have immensely benefited the visually impaired and also successfully integrated them into the mainstream of life. The Association has a team of highly qualified and experienced personnel that makes its services qualitative.

For Corporates:

Become a corporate sponsor for one/more of our facilities

For Individuals:
Donate generously. Consider one/more of the following options:

Rs.2,400/- per annum or Rs.200/- per month for the pension to an elderly blind

Rs.3000/- per annum or Rs.250/- per month to adopt a blind elderly person at the Home of the Aged Blind

Rs.1000/- for sponsoring an eye operation with IOL

Rs.300/- for set of talking books for a blind student

Rs.400/- for a set of linen for a child for one year

Rs.6000/- per annum or Rs.500/- per month for sponsoring a middle and secondary level student

Rs.3000/- per annum or Rs.250/- per month for a primary level student’s education

Rs.9000/- per annum or Rs.750/- per month a sponsor a blind college going student

Rs.2,000 for sponsoring of meals for students in the hostel


Please make your donation cheque / Draft in the name of "Children Future Dream" payable at Bihar and send it to:

Children Future Dream School
Kolhaura Colony, Domuhan,
Bodhgaya, Distt. Gaya,
Bihar - 824231, INDIA

Mobile: (+91) 9818660231

Our Banker:
Account No:
Address of Branch: